23 July 2013
  1. Extend the following BankAccount class to a CheckingAccount class that charges $1 for every deposit and withdrawal.

     class BankAccount(initialBalance: Double) {
         private var balance = initialBalance
             def deposit(amount: Double) = { balance += amount; balance }
         def withdraw(amount: Double) = { balance -= amount; balance }
     // 一种实现
     class CheckingAccount(initialBalance: Double) extends BankAccount(initialBalance) {
       override def deposit(amount: Double) = { super.deposit(amount - 1) }
       override def withdraw(amount: Double) = { super.withdraw(amount + 1) }
  2. 用笨方法写的。

     class SavingsAccount(initialBalance: Double) extends BankAccount(initialBalance) {
       private var freeCount = 3
       private val interestRate = 0.03
       def earnMonthlyInterest() {
         freeCount = 3
         super.deposit(super.deposit(0) * interestRate)
       override def deposit(amount: Double) = { 
         if (freeCount > 0) {
           freeCount -= 1
         } else {
           freeCount -= 1
           super.deposit(amount - 1)
       override def withdraw(amount: Double) = {
         if (freeCount > 0) {
           freeCount -= 1
         } else {
           freeCount -= 1
           super.withdraw(amount + 1)
  3. abstract class Animal {
      def run
    class Cat extends Animal {
      override def run = println("I can run, miao")
    class Dog extends Animal {
      override def run = println("I can run, wang")
  4. Define an abstract class Item with methods price and description. A SimpleItem is an item whose price and description are specified in the constructor. Take advantage of the fact that a val can override a def. A Bundle is an item that contains other items. Its price is the sum of the prices in the bundle. Also provide a mechanism for adding items to the bundle and a suitable description method.

     abstract class Item {
       def price: Double
       def description: String
     class SimpleItem(override val price: Double, override val description: String) extends Item {
     class Bundle(val item: Item) extends Item {
       val itemList = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Item]()
       def addItem(item: Item) {
         itemList += item
       override def price = {
         var p: Double = 0
         itemList.foreach(i => p = p + i.price) 
       override def description = {
         var des = ""
         itemList.foreach(i => des += i.description + " ")
  5. class Point(val x: Double, val y: Double){}
    class LabeledPoint(val label: String, override val x: Double, override val y: Double) extends Point(x, y) {}
  6. abstract class Shape {
      abstract def centerPoint: Point
    class Rectangle(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point) extends Shape {
      override def centerPoint = {
    class Circle(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point) extends Shape {
      override def centerPoint = {
  7. 主构造器貌似不能定义,但是可以在class中直接写语句,以便被默认主构造器调用

     import java.awt.Point
     import java.awt.Rectangle
     class Square extends Rectangle {
       height = 0
       width = 0
       x = 0
       y = 0
       def this(p: Point, w: Int) {
         height = w
         width = w
         x = p.x
         y = p.y
       def this(width: Int) {
         this(new Point(0, 0), width)
  8. 可以看到两个类中都有name()方法,但是子类覆写了父类的。javap加-c可以看到详细的操作指令。 再加上-v可以看到常量池。

     $javap -p Person.class
     public class Person implements scala.ScalaObject {
       private final java.lang.String name;
       public java.lang.String name();
       public java.lang.String toString();
       public Person(java.lang.String);

这个name()读取的值是 #11 = Fieldref #9.#10 // Person.name:Ljava/lang/String; 而这个#11的值是在构造函数中设置的。

    $javap -p SecretAgent.class
    public class SecretAgent extends Person implements scala.ScalaObject {
      private final java.lang.String name;
      private final java.lang.String toString;
      public java.lang.String name();
      public java.lang.String toString();
      public SecretAgent(java.lang.String);

SecretAgent和Person不一样的是name设置了默认值,用-v查看,name的secrect实际上是 在构造函数中设置的

  1. ref覆写ref,子类的env可以正确初始化,而用val覆写def,env会被初始化成0长度。
    这个跟val覆写val的道理是一样的。父类和子类同时存在私有的同名变量range和相同 的range的getter,但是父类构造函数先被调用,却在其中调用子类的getter(因为父类 的getter以被子类覆写。子类的range因为此时还没初始化,所以返回了0。父类构造函 数错误地使用0来初始化了env

这种行为本身就是个坑,但是也提供了非常大的灵活性。面向对象的Template设计模式就 依赖这种行为实现的。所以还是多多善用为妙。

  1. 前一个protected是指主构造器的权限, 即默认情况下,是不能已传入elems的方式创建Stack对象的,elems的protected指的是这个参数只有子类才能访问。

use Scala 2.9.1

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