02 August 2013


  1. def values(fun: (Int) => Int, low: Int, high: Int) = {
      low.to(high).map(x => x -> fun(x))
  2. 如何用reduceLeft得到数组中的最大元素。 只要知道reduceLeft是以参数1和参数2作为入参,结果最为下一次的参数1的特性,就好办了。

     Scala> (1 to 10).reduceLeft(math.max(_,_))
     res25: Int = 10
  3. toreduceLeft实现递归。此题与题2类似

     def factorial(n: Long) = {
       (1L to n).reduceLeft(_ * _)
  4. def factorial(n: Long) = {
      (1L to n).foldLeft(1L)(_ * _)
  5. def largest(fun: (Int) => Int, inputs:Seq[Int]) = inputs.map(fun(_)).max
  6. def largest(fun: (Int) => Int, inputs:Seq[Int]) = {
        inputs.reduceLeft((x, y) => if (fun(x) > fun(y)) x else y)
  7. def adjustToPair(f: (Int,Int) => Int) = {
       x: Product2[Int, Int] => f(x._1,x._2)
    scala> val pairs = (1 to 10) zip (11 to 20)
    pairs: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)] = Vector((1,11),
    (2,12), (3,13), (4,14), (5,15), (6,16), (7,17), (8,18), (9,19), (10,20))
    scala> pairs.map(_ + _)
    <console>:9: error: wrong number of parameters; expected = 1
                  pairs.map(_ + _)
    scala> pairs.map(adjustToPair(_ + _))
    res22: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(12, 14, 16, 18, 20,
    22, 24, 26, 28, 30)
  8. scala> val a = Array(1,2,3)
    a: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)
    scala> val b = Array("j","jm","jmu")
    b: Array[java.lang.String] = Array(j, jm, jmu)
    scala> b.corresponds(a)(_.length == _)
    res23: Boolean = true
  9. import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
    trait MyArray[A] extends ArraySeq[A]{
      def corresponds[B] (that: Seq[B], p: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean = {
        super.zip(that).map(x => if (p(x._1, x._2) != true) return false)
    scala> val b1 = new ArraySeq[String](3) with MyArray[String]
    b1: scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq[String] with MyArray[String] = (null,
    null, null)
    scala> b1(0) = "j"
    scala> b1(1) = "jm"
    scala> b1(2) = "jmu"
    scala> b1.corresponds(a,_.length == _)
    <console>:18: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1: String,
    x$2) => x$1.length.$eq$eq(x$2))
                  b1.corresponds(a,_.length == _)
    scala> b1.corresponds(a,_.length == (_:Int))
    res49: Boolean = true


  1. 第一个参数需要换名调用,柯里化后更美观。只是block返回值如何处理。

    def unless(condition: => Boolean)(block: => Unit) {
      if (!condition) block

use Scala 2.9.1

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