18 June 2014
  1. class Bug {
      var steps = 0
      def move(step: Int): this.type = { steps += step; this }
      def turn(): this.type = { steps = 0; this}
      def show(): this.type = { print(steps + " "); this}
    scala> val bug= new Bug
    bug: Bug = Bug@196ed85
    scala> bug.move(4).show().move(6).show().turn().move(5).show()
    4 10 5 res45: Bug = Bug@196ed85
  2. object around
    object then
    object show
    class Bug {
      var steps = 0
      def move(step: Int): this.type = { steps += step; this }
      def and(obj: then.type): this.type = this
      def and(obj: show.type): this.type = { print(steps + " "); this}
      def turn(obj: around.type): this.type = { steps = 0; this}
  3. class Document {
      var title: String = ""
      var author: String = ""
      def setTitle(title: String):this.type = {this.title = title; this}
      def setAuthor(author: String):this.type = {this.author= author; this}
    object Title
    object Author
    class Book extends Document {
      private var useNextArgAs: Any = null
      def set(obj: Any): this.type = {useNextArgAs = obj; this}
      def to(arg: String): this.type = {
        useNextArgAs match {
          case Title => title = arg
          case Author => author = arg
          case _ =>
    object Main extends App {
      val book = new Book
      book set Title to "Scala for the Impatient" set Author to "Cay Horstmann"
  4. import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
    class Network {
      class Member(val name: String) {
        val contacts = new ArrayBuffer[Member]
        def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[Member]
        override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
          case that: Member =>
            (that canEqual this) &&
              name == that.name
          case _ => false
      private val members = new ArrayBuffer[Member]
      def join(name: String) = {
        val m = new Member(name)
        members += m
  5. object NetworkMain extends App {
      type NetworkMember = n.Member forSome { val n: Network }
      def process(m1: NetworkMember, m2: NetworkMember) = (m1, m2)
      val chatter = new Network
      val myFace = new Network
      val fred = chatter.join("Fred")
      val barney = myFace.join("Barney")
      val nm: NetworkMember = fred
      val nm2: NetworkMember = barney
      val result = process(nm, nm2)

运行结果如下, 正常运行。说明与18.8不同,是允许不同网络的。

    scala NetworkMain
    (Network$Member@8ce525,Network$Member@1810a1) 6. 

def getIndex(arr: Seq[Int], v: Int): Int Either Int = {
  if (arr.contains(v)) {
  } else {
    Right(arr.indexOf(arr.reduce((a,b) => if (math.abs(v - a) > math.abs(v - b)) b else a)))

返回值的声明使用了中置类型,等同于Either[Int, Int]。另外,使用reduce来查找接近值不是最好的算法,它会reduce数组的所有值,而实际上一旦找到最接近值,由于数组是有序的,就没必要继续查找了。

  1. def doSomething[E <: {def close(): Unit}](obj: E, func: E => Unit) {
      try {
      } finally {


    scala> class MyClose { def close() {println("closed")}; def say =
    defined class MyClose

    scala> doSomething(new MyClose(), (f: MyClose) => f.say)
  1. def printValues(f: {def apply(a: Int): Int}, from: Int, to: Int) {
      for(i <- from to to) {
        print(f.apply(i) + " ")
    scala> printValues((x:Int) => x *x , 3,6)
    9 16 25 36 
    scala> printValues(Array(1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55) , 3,6)
    3 5 8 13 

为了避免Seconds和Meters相加,只需要增加this: T的自身类型就可以了。 它用来限制调用其修饰范围内的3个方法this类型必须都是T,即一致。

abstract class Dim[T](val value: Double, val name: String) {
  this: T =>
    protected def create(v: Double): T
    def +(other: Dim[T]) = create(value + other.value)
    override def toString() = value + " " + name

class Seconds(v: Double) extends Dim[Seconds](v, "s") {
  override def create(v: Double) = new Seconds(v)

// compile error
class Meters(v: Double) extends Dim[Seconds](v, "m") {
  override def create(v: Double) = new Seconds(v)

原本可以通过编译的代码,在增加this: T =>之后报以下错误。

    <console>:10: error: illegal inheritance;
     self-type Meters does not conform to Dim[Seconds]'s selftype Dim[Seconds] with
            class Meters(v: Double) extends Dim[Seconds](v, "m") {
    trait A {
      def sing() = "from a"
    trait C {
      this: A =>
      val w = sing + "from c"
    class B {
      this: C =>
      val k = w
    object a extends App {
      val b = new B with C with A

b.k的输出是null,并不是期望的值。主要是因为初始化k在初始化trait C之前就完成 了。

use Scala 2.11.1

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